5 smart ways to give yourself peace of mind on holiday

February 22 2018

Going on holiday is a time to relax, unwind and leave your stress at home. But we still get that pang of panic from time to time about whether our home and possessions are completely secure back at home. Here’s a list of ways you can stay stress-free on holiday using, or sometimes not using, modern technology:


1. Get a monitored alarm

An alarm with monitoring is practically the only way to be sure someone will hear your alarm should it go off whilst your away. All ADT systems have monitoring, so if your alarm was triggered we would immediately contact your nominated key holder or the police. This way you know that someone is on the way to get the situation under control as possible.


2. Check if you set the alarm

One of the first things people ask themselves when they get in the taxi to the airport is ‘did I set the alarm’. With ADT Smart Home you can remotely set or unset your alarm using your smart device. It means you’ll also be able to double check if others, like the cleaner or friend coming to feed the cat, have set it properly.


3. Make it look like you’re at home

One of the fundamental reasons for creating smart home technology was to make it easy for you to stay in control of your home, even when you’re not there. ADT Smart Home allows you to use your smart phone or device to set a schedule with just the touch of a button, turning lights on and off no matter where you are.


4. Watch over your property

All you have to do is ask and ADT can get a system installed with security cameras that have remote access. Then you’ll be able to use your smartphone, tablet, or other smart device to see what’s going on when you’re not home.


5. Don’t post on social media

Although it’s a virtual certainty that someone in the group will post a status to Facebook to celebrate going on holiday, we wouldn’t advise it. From research, we know that social media is a big tool burglars use to check when you’re going away for a long period of time. This way they know no-one is home and can make their move without being disturbed.

If you’re planning to go away this summer and need advice on any security products, you can visit our home securitypage or get in touch with one of our advisors on 0800 144 4499.