How to secure your doors on a budget

March 19 2019

When we think of burglaries, a smashed window might be the first image that springs to mind. But in fact, a massive 75% of burglaries are attempted via a door, with 46% involving a forced lock.*

It’s your first line of defence when it comes to burglar proofing your home. But no need to go installing an eye scanner or metal plated security door like the movies, there are plenty of subtle ways to secure your doors that won’t break the bank:

Lock ‘em dead
Fitting extra locks to your door is your first port of call for door safety. A deadbolt is a great place to start, they’re one of the best locks around because they have a unique device in-built that can’t be forced back into the door. These locks may sound expensive, but you can pick them up online for as little as £10.

Give glass the boot
A door with glass panels may look pretty, but it’s like catnip for burglars. All they have to do is smash a panel, stick their hand through and open it from the inside. Swap them out for tougher, more durable materials like wood. Or, if you really want glass, make sure it’s double glazed or laminated - although this may be a bit pricier.

Secure from the inside out
Adding a cheap chain lock to the inside of your door may seem silly, because you’d be home when you use it. But, unfortunately some burglars aren’t that picky. A whopping 3/10** burglaries happen while someone is at home, so it’s a good idea to install at least one to keep you and your family safe.

Get some gravel
Approaching a home silently is key for burglars to avoid being detected. So, when the path to your door is full of gravel it’s much less appealing. You can pick this material up cheaply at most DIY stores, then cover your drive with it yourself.

Show them what you’ve got
Sophisticated security systems like ADT Smart Home put burglars off right from the word go. They mean you have access to your home at the touch of a button, easily catching them in the act. If you’ve got smart tech, make sure you have a sticker on or close to your door to make them turn tail. If you don’t, take a look at the package here

So there you have it, a whole host of super simple ways to secure your door this spring. And don’t forget our team of experts are on-hand to give you a free quote if you want to improve the security around your home.
