New Year’s Eve Safety

December 05 2023

People see New Year's Eve as a time to meet with friends and family and celebrate the year that has passed. But for opportunistic burglars, the houses that are left empty whilst we celebrate are the perfect target for theft. 

With research revealing that midnight is the most common time to experience a home invasion, and with UK homeowners expected to be out long into the early hours of the morning of January 1st, the security experts at ADT have offered their advice on how to deter burglars from targeting your property. 

Michele Bennett, General Manager at ADT UK Subscriber says “If you are planning to leave your home this New Year’s Eve, it is important to plan ahead and put systems into place to deter burglars from entering your home. Here are our five top tips to deter New Year’s Eve burglars.”

1. Install a smart home security system

A visible alarm system is a strong deterrent to potential burglars, as criminals are less likely to target a home that is protected. In the event of a break-in, a monitored alarm will alert you, your keyholders and depending on the package you take out, the police, ensuring a swift response to an alarm activation.

2. Install two locks

You should always ensure your doors are locked and that your locks are working correctly, but with burglars employing new methods, including burning locks, it is essential to have two locks or a multi-point locking system on your doors. If a robber breaks your lock, the second lock provides additional protection. Ensure the locks you choose are high quality with a strong cylinder, like a diamond cylinder.

3. Install a video doorbell and cameras

Smart doorbells are an effective way to deter burglars as they provide evidence in the event of a break-in, package theft, or other suspicious activity around your home. They also notify you when someone is at your door reducing the chance of you being caught out by a late evening or early morning robbery. 

Smart doorbells also act as a deterrent to unscrupulous door-to-door sellers and con artists, as video footage is recorded. In the event of a late-night door knock, you can see and speak to whoever is at your front door, without having to open the door.

ADT’s new outdoor camera also has two-way audio and a high-pitch deterrent siren so you can warn off anyone from your property to deter any further encroachment.

4. Lock away valuables

Most burglars target small valuables that are left in plain sight and difficult to trace. You should always hide items like your purse, wallet, and jewellery at night and when you leave your house. The best way to secure your valuables is to lock them in a safe that is bolted down and cannot be removed from your home. Without a safe, it is best to disperse your high-value items around the house rather than pool them all together for an easy grab.

5. Take care when posting online

Whilst strangers commit most burglaries, you may be targeted by someone you know. Posting your New Year's Eve plans can let people know you are out of your home, which is the ideal time for burglars to strike. You should be careful when sharing your location on social media to avoid being an easy target, and always ensure that you have your privacy settings on platforms such as Facebook set to private.