How secure is your new home?

If you’re thinking of buying a new home, there are plenty of things to consider. But one factor that often gets overlooked is how secure an area – or a specific property – is.
To help you look in the right place for your dream property, and ensure you’re safe once you move in, here’s a quick checklist to follow:
During your search
• Check out the local crime figures with our Crime in my area tool, which uses police crime data to give you the full picture
• Ask people in the area for their thoughts on life there. No one knows a place like a local!
• Take a good look around the area, especially at night. This will give you a feel for how safe you’d feel living there
On moving in day
• You never know who has copies of the keys so for peace of mind, change the locks and keys. Consider getting a restricted key system, which only a locksmith can supply
• If your new house has a security system, get the code and operating manual from the previous owners and bring yourself up to speed with it as quickly as possible
• Sort your home insurance out ASAP so you can rest easy knowing you’re covered
After you’ve moved in
• If your new home doesn’t have an alarm system, make it a priority to get one as soon as possible
• If the windows and doors are old and could prove easy pickings for burglars, replace them with new ones
For more hints and tips, read our full Moving home document.