Moving house checklist

From moving in with friends, to buying your very first home, to finding a new place when the children have flown the nest, there are few things more exciting than moving house. There are also few things more stressful.
Before you get swept up in the excitement, get on top of that seemingly never-ending list of jobs. Here’s our quick moving house checklist to help you tick off those tasks and get on with enjoying your new home.
Let the important people know you’re moving house
This is a huge one and should be top of your list. You’ll need to speak to a whole list of organisations and tell them of your new address. These include:
· Your bank, credit card and pension provider
· The DVLA for both your driving licence and vehicle registration
· Your council for council tax purposes
· The electoral roll. Visit to ensure you’re registered to vote
· Your mobile phone company
Get your mail redirected
Over the years you’ll have no doubt dealt with all sorts of companies. But don’t worry you don’t have to try remember them all, the Post Office can do much of the work for you. Their change-of-address service will redirect all mail to your new address so you don’t have to worry about it.
Get connected
Gas, electricity, water, phone, broadband… they’re all things that every home needs to run smoothly. Letting all your utility providers know you’ve moved will not only mean that your new home is connected, but also ensure you stop paying for services to your previous property.
A great moving home tip is to use this opportunity to shop around and find the best deals available.
Last chance to ask the important questions
When moving house, there’ll be lots of things you’ll need to know about your new property. We’ve pulled together some essential questions to ask – feel free to add your own.
Some seem obvious while others might seem a little random, but once you move in, it’s incredible what you’ll need to know:
· Where are the gas and electricity meters and water stopcock?
· Where are the instruction manuals for any electrical appliances you’ve inherited?
· What colours are the walls painted and are there any spare tins if they need touching up?
· Who are the current utility suppliers if you need to contact them?
Get your security sorted
Last but not least, your new home is your castle so make sure it’s protected.
ADT is not only a security name you can trust, but they’re offering a great housewarming gift of 50% off alarm reconnection and 50% off monitoring for the next six months to anyone moving into a new home.
You can find more details at